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Wine Bloggers Conference: It’s more than a conference. It’s a community.

By: Leeann Froese

The Wine Bloggers Conference (WBC) is more than a workshop and a meeting place to discuss everything wine related. It is a gathering of people from all over North America who convene to celebrate each other’s passion, expertise, wine region and most importantly, friendship with one another.

WBC 2015

Hosted at a different wine region each year, the WBC lasts for nearly a week and invites bloggers, industry professionals and the host region's vintners to participate.

Sure, there's definite content: workshops and panels in board or conference rooms with a gamut of wine-centric presentations, AV materials and education, but unlike other wine trade conferences, there's so much more that happens on the periphery.

Attendees include those from visiting wineries and representatives from various wine regions that travel to the event to bring a taste of their wine country to the Wine Bloggers Conference.

Outside of conference rooms, attendees participate in field studies that include: excursions to the host region's surrounding wineries for a meet-and-greet with winery principals. As well, an exclusive sneak peek and tasting of newly or soon-to-be-release vintages. Always, the red carpet is completely unfurled and a grand time is had by all.

One of the best parts about WBC is the “after-hour tastings” hosted in various hotel suites. This is a perfect time for WBC participants to get together, be social, and taste wines that are off the program. As everyone is keen to learn about each other’s wine region and to share a taste of their own, these hotel suites become crowded quickly and force people to literally rub elbows and interact as they mingle and taste.

But no one minds because we are all united by the desire to experience and share as much we can, especially in limited time.

It's a unique community. Even if it means being sleep deprived, the group doesn’t stop stop learning, tasting and socializing for the duration they are at WBC. (And sometimes if you've had too much wine, you might find yourself facing the content of the following day with a headache...)

Happy bloggers rub elbows tasting Canadian wine. Clockwise, from back, center: Ben Heskett, Christine Campbell, Michael Pinkus, Jeff Kralik, Madeline Puckette, April Yap-Hennig, me and Robert Larson

From Portland, Penticton, Buellton and now Corning, this has been the fourth consecutive conference that I've attended WBC. As much as I appreciate and am blown away by the effort, hospitality and welcoming spirit that the host region puts into hosting this conference, the most special part about WBC is its people.

The people that assemble the program from each gracious and passionate region can be summed up as one thing: amazing.

Case in point: most recently in Finger Lakes and Corning NY, we were coordinated by Paul Thomas of Seneca Lake Wine Trail and Beth Peluse from Zephyr Adventures for the pre excursion in Seneca Lake, and Laury Ellen Poland from Finger Lakes Wine Country led the charge with Zephyr for the main conference in Corning. Each of these people successfully "herded cats" to ensure those of us that made the trip were not disappointed.

The workshop content varies each year and so do the wine regions (showing the thumbprint of where they were made), but what's common is the hard work and passion in putting the conference together.

And truthfully, to me all of that does not actually even really matter at its core, because it's what happens outside the bottle that is the most important.

The bond and socialization that wine invites is the most important part for me. I love that this conference experience is shared by like minded individuals.


This conference offers the ability to get together with the same people annually, as we collect from different corners to learn and be united by something we all love. Year over year, social bonds strengthen and long distance friendships blossom, to be nurtured by the in-person gathering WBC invites.

Wine is inherently social, so it's no surprise that the social aspect is a major part of this conference.

I cannot wait for the annual opportunity it gives me to connect with my friends from San Francisco, Portland, New York, and all points in between. Real in person bonds are strengthened and then we stay in touch socially throughout the year before we reconvene at the next year's conference.

After shyly navigating my way through the first conference that I attended in Portland, where I didn't really know what to do or who to talk to, after four conferences I now feel like I have some legitimate, real, strong, and lifelong friendships, and that these people will be with me, and I'm part of a community. And I am very thankful for this. My life is that much richer for it so thank you for that, WBC.

And while I want to express how great it feels to annually see those who are very strongly growing into 'my people’,  it's also worthy to note that there are many new friends joining this amazing community each year.

If you see a face that's not familiar, be sure to go and say hello to them. They might be a seasoned blogger or they might be someone who is encountering the conference for the first time. A friendly face and someone who can help with the lay of the land is appreciated.

And as I settle back into being back at home, I reflect on the notes of others:

Meg Houston Maker noted there is no substitution for in person smiles, and Christine Campbell of Girls Go Grape says, "I love that wine, learning and friendship are all part of the Wine Bloggers Conference."

I could not agree more.


And I am not alone. April Yapp Hennig of Sacred Drop took the picture above and called us her crew, and just today Christine Campbell posted this tweet:


Yes - activate friendship indeed! Until 2016, the #WBC friendships continue to blossom online.

I feel so blessed to have this conference as an annual opportunity to taste and learn, and also continue to build those friendships and the community that is WBC.

Sujinder and I thank you #FLX #WBC15

See you in Lodi #WBC16 #GoWBCCanada #withTownHall!

Compare and contrast: Finger Lakes Wine and BC Wine

by Sujinder Juneja #TownHallOnTour

#FLXWine vs #BCWine

We have been lucky enough to attend the 8th annual Wine Bloggers Conference, a gathering of bloggers (naturally), industry professionals and wine lovers. This year, the event was held in Corning, New York with a focus on the great wines, producers and the people of the Finger Lakes AVA.


A diverse, progressive and passionate industry, the Finger Lakes wine region shares many similarities with that of British Columbia, where we are happy to call home. Here are a few of our observations on the connections between the two regions, for your reading pleasure:

Cool Climate Viticulture

The Finger Lakes and British Columbia are both described as ‘cool climate’ wine regions and on average, share a similar amount of degree growing days. However the Finger Lakes region experiences a highly variable climate, with cold winters, cool to warm summers and a short growing season. While there is diversity of climate within the five main BC wine regions (Okanagan Valley, Similkameen Valley, Fraser Valley, Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands), the climate is less extreme overall and degree days are higher on average.


Planting Grapes To Site

The most established wine regions in the world plant grape varietals that are best suited to that particular site or climate. The most planted grapes in the Finger Lakes are Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Cabernet Franc along with a selection of lesser known Vitis vinifera (Blaufränkisch, Saperavi, Sereksiya Charni), native Vitis labrusca (Catawba, Niagara) and French-American hybrids (Traminette, Vidal, Seyval Blanc, Valvin Muscat) that suit the climate and produce balanced and delicious wines. By contrast, the top white grape varietals in BC are Pinot Gris, Chardonnay, Gewürztraminer and Merlot, Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon for the reds. Other crosses and hybrids such as Ortega, Marechal Foch and select Blattner Hybrids are also planted to produce successful wines. The Finger Lakes and BC wine industries began with native and hybrid varietals with the belief that they would better suit the climate, but consumer preferences in the Fingers Lakes and British Columbia are favouring the more popular vinifera varietals.

Bottled sunshine within the Ventosa Pinot Noir.

What’s Wrong With Hybrids Anyway?

Nothing. If a hybrid grape is grown on a site which allows it to mature to full ripeness, and in the hands of a talented winemaker, they can produce wines that are both balanced and delicious. It’s worth noting that hybrids sell for significantly less by the ton, compared to vinifera varietals, which can affect a winery’s bottom line. Add to that the fact that hybrids are generally less well-known and often hard to pronounce, and therefore market to consumers. One of the most vocal debates during Friday’s Introduction to Finger Lakes Wine Country panel discussion swirled around the contentious use of crosses and hybrids in the region. Consider this: if a hybrid varietal, developed specifically for a particular climate, can produce tasty wines, should they not be celebrated, granting uniqueness to the wine region as a whole? Not all winemakers are convinced. But if you ask someone like Art Hunt at Hunt Country Vineyards, he’ll tell you that his varietally-labelled Seyval Blanc and Valvin Muscat are among their most popular wines. “Millennials want to try new things,” he says. “You can taste 100 Rieslings from the Finger Lakes, but wine drinkers want experience something unique.”

Judy Wiltberger at Keuka Spring Vineyards is proud to show off her Vignoles, a French-American hybrid that sells out every year. In her experience, the key is to market regionally, get people into the tasting room where people can try the wines in person. 70-75% of her sales are through her cellar door and challenging her guests with distinct varietals is a way to excite their palates with something new.

A view towards Seneca Lake.

A Sense of Community

Unlike other more competitive regions in the global wine world, the Finger Lakes and British Columbia both enjoy a strong sense of community and partnership. I know firsthand that winery owners and winemakers in BC regularly collaborate and share information and ideas that make the region stronger as a whole. The same is absolutely true for the wineries of the Finger Lakes. If you had the chance, for example, to taste the Tierce Riesling, made by Fox Run, Anthony Road and Red Newt, you’ll know that the wine – and the wine region – is greater than the sum of its parts.

A Window to the World

The Finger Lakes and British Columbia wineries both face the double-edged sword that most of their wine is consumed in their local areas. The challenge offered by the locavore movement in North America means that major cities such as New York and Vancouver consume most of the wine produced in each respective region. Add to that the high tourism rate that each region enjoys means that most wine is sold via the cellar door, limiting the chance for export and global distribution. What this means is that fewer consumers internationally have the chance to taste the wines and understand what the region is all about. At this point, allocation to outside markets becomes a critical path to increasing the prestige and recognition of the regions as a whole.

Fox Run  Vineyards owner Scott Osborn & Town Hall's Sujinder Juneja.

With Open Arms

At the end of the day and at the end of this conference, the greatest impression left on us about the Finger Lakes wasn’t the wine. It was the people. It wasn’t just the wineries and winemakers that opened their arms to welcome us, but also the restaurants, shops, hotels and the community at large. From our first day in Keuka Lake, throughout the expertly-organized pre-conference excursion and to the last day of the conference itself, there was an excitement and overall warmth that was impossible to ignore, and wonderful to be a part of. When the wine bloggers visited Penticton, British Columbia for #WBC13 it was a similar experience as well. Community, a sense of place, and the celebration of diversity were as much a part of the 2013 Wine Bloggers Conference as they are in 2015.

See you in 2016 in Lodi, California.

Bob Halifax, April Yap-Hennig, Leeann Froese, Jeff Kralik at James Melendez at Wine Bloggers Conference 2015.

Meet Kristina Manning #withTownHall

By Leeann Froese It’s a new week to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall!

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. In time for the 2015 Wine Bloggers Conference this week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Kristina Manning.

#withTownHallKristinaManningKristina is the director of customer relations at and in 2013 created the blog for The International Wine of the Month Club. She regularly contributes to the blog sharing her travel experiences, recipes and tastings. Her love affair with wine has been going on for years which has led to a nice collection of wine.

Kristina loves food, wine, beer, and travel and shares her experience with them through social media.

Kristina is currently at the Wine Bloggers Conference in Finger Lakes, New York where she is on the scholarship committee for the conference.

Please help us say hello to Kristina?

Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.



Meet Christa-Lee McWatters Bond #withTownHall

By Leeann Froese It's a new week to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall!

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Christa-Lee McWatters Bond.


She's been in the BC wine industry ever since she was born, and loves every aspect of promoting British Columbia's wine and food.

After growing up in her family's winery, Sumac Ridge, which is now owned by Constellation Brands, Christa-Lee went on to open a restaurant with her husband Cameron Bond which is now one of the most popular restaurants in the Okanagan Valley, Local Lounge | Grill.

And if that isn't enough, her hands are very full of these days as she is the marketing manager for Encore Vineyards, which is the parent company to TIME Estate Winery under construction in Oliver BC, her family's legacy label the McWatters Collection, and the brand-new Evolve Cellars in Summerland BC.

Please help us say hello to Christa-Lee?

Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.

Fall Events to Plan For in the Lower Mainland

What’s Happening this Fall We have been trying to find dates to plan activities for our clients and it has become obvious to us how BUSY the schedule is and everyone's calendar is.

We find the best way for you to know about a client or project is to meet them in person, and the best way to do that is to hold an event, so everyone is hosting something.

42-18155351-hi Vincor

We like to use PlanitBC which has a public face as well as an industry planning back end, so we advise anyone who both wants to plan or attend something look there. It's not expensive and helps keep everything in one spot, and then has a way to publicize the events that are public.

For whatever reason, we have found that not everyone is signing up for Planit, so we have gathered everything we know of as of the beginning of August.

Note: this is for planning purposes and will change - check back often.

September 10, Top Drop Vancouver (featuring Town Hall clients Blue Grouse and Haywire)

September 10, Design Event (Story PR)

September 11, Top Drop Vancouver (featuring Town Hall clients Blue Grouse and Haywire)

September 13, BBQ off the Bypass (hosted by Town Hall client Angie Quaale of Well Seasoned)

September 14, Chile Sommelier Challenge (Trade only)

September 15, IVSA New Product Salon (Vancouver)

September 16, Colour BC Fall VQA Tasting (Industry)

September 16, ChefmeetsBCGrape Signature Tasting

September 18, 5th Annual Fraser Valley Cork and Keg, Wine, Beer and Food Festival

September 19, Lilloet Beer and Wine Festival

September 21, Invite Only Trade Wine Event

September 22, Sparkling Wine Event (invite only featuring Town Hall clients Summerhill Pyramid Winery)

September 22, Kate Colley PR Event

September 22, IVSA New Product Salon (Victoria)

September 23, Lifestyle, Fashion, Fitness Event

September 25, Victoria Wine Festival

September 26, Victoria Wine Festival

September 27, Slow Fish Dinner (hosted by Town Hall clients The Chefs' Table Society of BC)

September 27, Victoria Wine Festival

September 30, Lifestyle Event

October 1, Discover BC VQA Tasting (Calgary)

October 1, Lifestyle and Fashion Event

October 1-11, Fall Okanagan Wine Festival (featuring Town Hall clients Summerhill, SpierHead Winery, Mt. Boucherie, TIME, and Okanagan Crush Pad.)

October 5, Town Hall media event-by invitation only

October 5-9, Tourism Vancouver Open House

October 7, Town Hall trade event - by invitation only

October 8, Home and Lifestyle Event

October 15, Town Hall wine media event- by invitation only

October 15, Abbotsford Circle Farm Tour

October 17, BC Uncorked (featuring Town Hall clients Summerhill and Mt.Boucherie)

October 18, CONNECT Food + Drink + Lodging Expo 2015

October 19, CONNECT Food + Drink + Lodging Expo 2015

October 21, Vancouver Magazine Judging

October 22, Vancouver Magazine Judging

October 22, Vancouver Home + Design Show Opening Party (invite only)

October 22, 2nd Annual Tea Sparrow Tea Festival

October 23, Vancouver Magazine Judging

October 26, A Taste of Wines from Italy (Trade)

October 28, Wine, Food & Lifestyle Tasting

October 29, Design & Lifestyle Event

November 7, 26th Annual Fraser Valley Wine Festival


Looking Ahead to the Grape Harvest in BC

By Leeann Froese As we ease back into our work week after a long weekend to celebrate this great province, we reflect on how it has been a long, warm spring and summer across BC.

Weather, growing conditions, watering restrictions and threat of fire all could impact the upcoming grape harvest, depending on which grape growing region you are in.

Could this be one of the earliest harvests on record in BC? How are things looking so far?

Laura Kittmer, media relations manager at the British Columbia Wine Institute states “It's been a very hot summer in BC this year; many wineries are reporting their grapevines to be about two weeks ahead right now, which could mean early wine harvest.”

We checked in with our clients in different parts of the province for an update, which follows.

Let us know if you need more info, photos, or wish to interview anyone quoted below. Amy @ / 604-321-3295


Okanagan - Summerland - Okanagan Crush Pad - Christine Coletta, owner

OCP-Christine-Coletta-4-Credit-Lionel-Trudel“At Okanagan Crush Pad we are more than half way into yet another great season in the Okanagan. But as we like to remember, it isn’t over until it’s over, and the next three months are the most crucial to shaping vintage. Will we get those cooler fall days with cold nights that allow for hang time that creates the phenolic* ripeness and natural acidity that we all crave? Or will there be a quick, sharp finish to the growing year that leaves us with high sugars, resulting in wines with higher than normal alcohol levels? Time will tell.

An early spring and unseasonably warm summer has challenged viticulturists throughout the valley. We did not get the typical rainfall we expect in June and the rest of the summer has been dry and hot. A careful watch on irrigation levels has been required.

Bountiful crop sets with large cluster formations and small berry size should result in some excellent wines next year. The early spring start will guarantee that most crops will finish on time and viticulturists will surely be pleased about that. With veraison** starting we anticipate a late September /early October harvest. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that the weather continues to co-operate as we eagerly anticipate yet another outstanding year.

As far as water use goes, vineyards used significantly less water than tree fruits, and vineyards with drip irrigation, even less than vineyards with overhead irrigation. Our home organic vineyard, Switchback Vineyard, used seven inches of irrigation water a year compared to the standard 19 inches. At this point the Okanagan is on water restrictions, but this is an annual occurrence and nothing out of the ordinary as is being experienced in the lower mainland.

From the forest fire situation, there has been absolutely zero impact from fires and smoke in our area. A few people have said on social media that they are concerned that the smoke can impact the harvest. This kind of talk is a little on the sensational side as smoke would have to be within close proximity (not 50 km away) and for an extended period of time (not a day or two) to have any impact on grape quality.”


Vancouver Island - Blue Grouse - Bailey Williamson, winemaker

_DerekFord_BlueGrouseportraits1505218765"Many in the Cowichan Valley have long stood by the ideology of dry farming, and this year they may reconsider this dogma.

At Blue Grouse we hope to have drip irrigation throughout the whole vineyard by next season; we have been irrigating where we can, and it shows a marked difference in the vine health.

Smoke has not been an issue for us as the fires are not burning close by or the smoke is blowing the other way.

Our issue is that vineyard labour has always been a huge issue and will be for the foreseeable future. In a small grape growing region it is even more of a challenge because there is no labour pool to draw from: seasonal, foreign or otherwise.

Very often we pick the grapes based on disease pressure, and hope for phenolic ripeness. At this moment the extreme heat has given way to more seasonal averages which could very well have us harvest a bit early, but not super early. If the rain holds off and the grapes are a week ahead of usual we could be picking in the sun rather than the rain. This would be a great boon for both quality and morale.

I generally don't like to count my chickens before they hatch, and Mother Nature always has a trick or two up her sleeve, so I am cautiously optimistic, and hopeful."


Okanagan – Naramata – Serendipity Winery – Judy Kingston, owner


“At Serendipity we are lucky that there are no water restrictions on agricultural properties in the Naramata bench.

The smoke cover here was far less than in most parts of the province, almost to the point that it was less than normal. We had maybe five days of smoke, and the kind of smoke damage that CedarCreek and St Hubertus had in 2003 is not anticipated at this time. That was a rare occurrence.

We have seen few if any 40 degree days on the Naramata bench, we had a few that were kissing 40 degrees. The south valley has seen a few. We haven’t seen the vines shut down yet, but we have in past seasons. At this point, veraison is just kicking in, showing up in our Pinot Noir field and our Syrah field. Southern regions have veraison in full-swing.

Everyone needs to take a reminder that grape vines are one of the most adaptive species out there. They can withstand stress or difficult conditions.

This year’s harvest looks great. We knew at the beginning of the season that it was going to be an early start to the growing year and a hotter year, so we have taken measures to make sure that the grapes mature properly and not too quickly. Without careful farming practices, there could be a risk that the brix*** accumulate in the berries faster than the phenolics do. This year’s harvest could be fantastic, but it is impossible to say how the harvest is going to be until the grapes are in the press. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

We look forward to picking the Pinot for bubble in the last week of August. Katie is looking forward to harvesting in shorts and a tee shirt, as we anticipate harvest for our regular table wines to start in early September, well ahead of schedule.”


Fraser Valley - Singletree - Andrew Etsell, viticulturist

View More:

"This year has the potential to be the best year I have seen in a decade. The grapes are 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule. At Singletree our Siegerrebe is already at verasion and the lack of rain has made mould a non-issue. This is the first year I have seen the Fraser Valley grapes keeping pace with the Okanagan. The only issue I foresee is that with so little rain our tonnage will be down from last year, but the quality of grapes will be far superior to what we have seen in the past from the Valley."


Kamloops - Monte Creek Ranch - Galen Barnhardt, winemaker DSC_8036 copy"The 2015 at Monte Creek Ranch season got off to a roaring start, bud break arrived 10 days early and an unbelievably hot start to the summer has pushed us 2.5 to 3 weeks ahead of schedule at veraison. The period between veraison and harvest is the most crucial by far, we are hoping for more moderate temperatures so that phenolic ripeness will occur before sugar levels get too high.

Though there have been many water restrictions in the province, we are fortunate that grapes are quite drought resistant. We practice deficit irrigation within our own vineyards and typically only use 20% of our water license in any given season. We have also been quite lucky and have avoided any smoke taint so far - a bit of recent rain should help matters. If Mother Nature can play nice for another six weeks then we should have a phenomenal harvest."


So there you have it; no one has a crystal ball, but things are looking good so far for the 2015 BC grape harvest.


*Phenolic - are naturally occurring chemical compounds found in grapes, which give a wine its profile; includes tannins that occur in grape skins, seeds and stems as well as other complex chemical compounds that will help to define a wine’s character

**Veraison – a grape-growing term meaning when the grapes change colour – the onset of ripening in the grapes.

***Brix – the measure of sugar


Meet Joshua McVeity and Fred Lee with Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's a new week to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall!

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, just in time for Pride, we introduce you to Joshua McVeity and Fred Lee.


These two lovely men are arguably Vancouver's most well known gay couple - the two married last year and are a perfect living example of love, acceptance and community.

Joshua is a talented photographer who works freelance for several publications, including Western Living. He captures people and places, and can be seen at events all over the city.

Fred is known as Vanhattan's Man About Town and is a regular contributor to The CBC, The Province and Vancouver Courier Newspaper. He graciously gives his time to emcee many charitable events, and is known as a major champion for charitable work in greater Vancouver.

The two of them together make a wonderful couple - and I am proud to call them my friends.

Please help me celebrate friendship and Pride with a hello to these two?

Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.

Celebrating Canadian Cuisine on Food Day Canada

By Kathleen Beveridge Saturday is Food Day Canada, which means we get to celebrate by eating delicious Canadian cuisine.

And we share it @FoodDayCanada with #CanadaISFood #FDC2015


Canada is known across the globe for a variety of things: saying “sorry” and “eh”, maple syrup, and being cold (although that idea is out the window lately), but what is often forgotten is how delicious and diverse our local food is across the country. And let’s be honest, that’s silly, considering we eat every single day.

At Town Hall we couldn’t be more proud to have clients that are a part of this movement, from Langley’s Well Seasoned Gourmet Food Store’s owner and local food queen, Angie Quaale, who buys local whenever she can and uses it in her recipes; to the members of the Chefs’ Table Society who all stand behind sustainable and local foods, to our winery clients who produce wine sourced from BC grown grapes.

We also have some clients who source locally and sustainably for their restaurants, including Summerhill Pyramid Winery’s Sunset Organic Bistro, the new restaurant at Evolve Cellars, and the soon-to-open Perch Restaurant, located in the beautiful new AMS building at UBC. These restaurants support local farms and are Ocean Wise.

Top this list off with our client, the BC Hospitality Foundation, who supports those working in the Food and Beverage industry with financial support for industry workers when the need arises, keeping the Canadian food and beverage movement on its feet.

It’s more important than ever to buy local and support Canada’s economy, but more importantly the people, who put so much into growing and creating nutritious food to fuel us through each day.

Now I’ll go celebrate by picking local blackberries and raising my glass (full of BC wine) to Canadian cuisine.


How will you celebrate Food Day Canada? In Kelowna, celebrate at Summerhill Pyramid Winery's Sunset Organic Bistro, one of the 250 participating restaurants in Food Day Canada.

Try wine from one of these BC wineries this Food Day Canada:

Blue Grouse Estate Winery


Evolve Cellars

McWatters Collection

Monte Creek Ranch

Mt. Boucherie Winery

Okanagan Crush Pad

Serendipity Winery

Singletree Winery

SpierHead Winery

Summerhill Pyramid Winery

TIME Estate Winery

Meet Kayla Koroush With Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's a new week to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall!

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Kayla Koroush.


Once aiming to be a preschool teacher, Kayla works in the marketing department for a winery in Napa Valley, and she blogs for herself at Barrel Thief, a wine blog (a barrel thief is a glass tube that helps vacuum wine out of bottles so vintners can have a taste.) Her blog is a place where she can document her encounters while she explores the world of wine.

We met Kayla at the Wine Bloggers Conference in Buellton, in 2014, where she was a scholarship recipient to attend the conference, and we will see her at the annual Wine Bloggers Conference again in a couple of weeks when the conference takes place in Finger Lakes New York.

Watch our social media for a hello from Kayla when we meet her again in a few weeks, and in the meantime, please give her a hello, as we did when she recently visited Vancouver's Granville Island.

Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.

Meet Christine Campbell with Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Christine Campbell.


Christine Campbell


Christine is an avid traveler and lover of ‘all things wine’.

Based in Vancouver, Canada, Christine sits on the BC VQA assessment panel.

She holds her Wine & Spirits Education Trust Advanced Level 3 certificate. Driven by her passion, she also completed her French Wine Scholar course and is continuing with the Master of Champagne course through the French Wine Society.

When not studying wine, Christine writes weekly on her wine blog Girls Go Grape and is a contributor for the Alcohol Professor and Wine Tourist Magazine.

Christine is a friendly and spirited person with a zest for life. She is the mom to a gorgeous daughter and also loves dogs.

Seen here cheekily enjoying a cocktail (because she does realize there is more to enjoy than just wine) Christine would love a hello from you.

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It's OK to have opinions - and 4 other things I have learned in business

By Leeann Froese

5 Things I have learned on our 2nd Anniversary

I am not sure how that happened so fast, but our little agency is two years old this month.

Andrew and I want to thank our amazing team and our clients for allowing us to us create brands and get the word out on things that celebrate living well: wine, food, hospitality, financial planning, film, and sport.

Clockwise, from left: me, Laurisha Bardal, Andrew von Rosen, Felicia Fraser, Ali Harris, Sujinder Juneja, Kathleen Beveridge, Amy Chen and Carole Morton

I have been learning new lessons everyday, and wanted to share a few things that rank at the top of my mind as we celebrate the start of year three #withTownHall.

I'd love to know, if you own a business, what are you learning? Maybe we can learn from each other? Listed as a countdown, but not in strict order:

5. It's OK to have opinions - even if they are unpopular

For much of my career I only cared about being a people pleaser. I still possess this trait, and our team also shares this trait, but not at the expense of giving bad advice or being untruthful.

My mentor, Christine Coletta, instilled in me the saying 'we're not here for a haircut', meaning that people don't look to my expertise so I can blow smoke, or not make things happen. As such, people can count on our team for good content and to get things done.

I have also realized since opening Town Hall that after almost 20 years in the industry I have knowledge to share and I should provide not only expertise, but also the truth and my own opinions, especially if they defend clients, and even if these opinions or truths are unpopular or are not what people had hoped to hear.

So now, I give my complete opinion when asked, or call out situations when I need to. An example of this is my recent post about those who ask for wine donations. Sorry, everyone who wants free wine.

4. The right team is everything

Clockwise, from left: me,  Felicia Fraser,  Andrew von Rosen,  Carole Morton, Laurisha Bardal, Sujinder Juneja, Amy Chen & Kathleen Beveridge

There is no way that Andrew and I could deliver strong programming to our clients without the contributions of a strong design and communication team. I'm so proud of the work that our team does to create identities and raise profiles.

It has taken the full two years, with some personalities coming and going (and this may continue as the business evolves) but when the fit is right, as it currently is, the culture and work output can be magic.

Thank you Sujinder, Felicia, Amy, Laurisha, Ali, Lindsey, Kathleen, Lindsey, our newest member, Carole, and our consultants Alana and Irene, for being so key in the team's success. We would be nowhere without you all!

3. A home office can only hold so much

We are seeking a new space, and ideally, by our 3rd birthday we will be in a different office. We are working with a realtor but the Vancouver market is hot. Wish us luck!

2. We need to tell people what else we do

Many people don't realize we are a full service agency and think that we only offer publicity services, or that I am singularly a PR person.

So can you please help it be known: we offer packaging, media relations, social media outreach, logo and graphic design, advertising campaigns, events and marketing strategy.

Also, we are not the popular Joseph Richards Group owned Townhall Public House.

We named our company “Town Hall” based on collaboration, which we feel is so important, especially in this era of crowd-sourced information and real-time customer feedback.

It is our constant goal to be a lifestyle destination, and deliver projects that inspire and celebrate the good life.

1. We are just getting started

In the scheme of a growing business we are really just getting started. The learning curve for sure is super steep.

I was looking after a lot of the agency work at Coletta and Associates before we closed the doors there, but there's nothing quite like being the one who's the air traffic controller and holding the bag and making sure that everybody's rent gets paid.

We are super thankful to our clients who believe in what we're doing at our little agency. We truly love you!

Life is too short to work with people you don't like and products you don't fall in love with.

Andrew and I thank you

We thank everybody for coming along for our ride #withTownHall

We are very social with what we do - so converse with us on your favourite social network @townhallbrands.

Keep up with what we do and talk to us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

We look forward to what the next year brings!

This week #withTownHall meet a swearing Minion

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them.

However, this week #withTownHall, for something a little different, we introduce you to a swearing Minion.


For the uninitiated, Minions are the lovable yellow stars of the Universal Studio films Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2 who feature the character Felonious Gru, a super villain. His evil deeds are undertaken by his team of Minions.

The Minions are small, yellow pill-like creatures that speak a made-up language called Minionese. They are super cute, and funny in their efforts to implement evil plans and household tasks for Gru.

Now, the Minions star in their own hotly-anticipated prequel film featuring Minions as the main characters, and focuses on the Minions before they met Gru. The film opens this weekend across North America, and there is a marketing and licensing frenzy to accompany the release.

Everywhere you look there is merch featuring the Minions, and at McDonald's there is a Minions Happy Meal, where a free Minions toy is available with purchase of any Happy Meal while supplies last.

This all seems straightforward, as McDonald's does similar meals and toy giveaways with other motion picture partnerships, but this giveaway created a media hailstorm.

Several parents are outraged, complained that the Minionese that the little characters speak sounds like swear words, including "what the f&$k" and "well I'll be damned".

This report on CBC news explains the whole situation, and states that our brains try to make sense of sounds and that is why some of us might think we are hearing nonsense as curse words.

This parent video (you need to turn up the sound) demonstrates what some people are saying they hear. Is this cute little cave Minion saying "what the f___" ?

What do you think - is this Minion swearing?

McDonald's says there are no plans to take the toys out of distribution.

Weigh in with your opinion here with a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.

Meet Chris Pritchett With Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Chris Pritchett.

Chris Pritchett


As someone who was born in America we thought it would be fitting to introduce you to Chris on the Fourth of July.

Also we chose to introduce you to him this week because just this week he has just been named the new head coach for the UBC Thunderbirds Baseball team.

Most recently Chris was a scout for the Boston Red Sox, and in years before that his career has been built through the major-league baseball system, and that includes ties to our own Vancouver Canadians.

Before he became a scout for the Red Sox he was a hitting coach for the Vancouver Canadians, and his connection to Vancouver and the C's goes back even further than that.

In 1991 Chris was drafted to the California Angels and four years later he played as first baseman for what was then a AAA Vancouver Canadians team. After more than 450 games with the C's, he played in the California Angels organization until 2003 when he retired and returned to university.

After topping up his education with a couple of degrees, for the past four years he has traveled across Canada to help the Red Sox discover tomorrow's next players. Now, he returns to Vancouver where he lives with his wife Saffron Henderson and their two sons, and they are very glad to have him in Vancouver to return home every night.

Chris takes over as head coach of the Thunderbirds from Terry McKaig, who after 18 seasons, moves into the role of UBC's director of baseball. Congratulations to Terry!

Now please help us congratulate UBC on their change, and Chris on coming back home to Vancouver by saying hello here.

Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.

Meet Brian Webb With Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Brian Webb.



As we congratulate the United States, who took another step closer to marriage equality this past week with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, we thought it was timely to introduce you to Brian.

Why? Brian is a role model and sets a positive image for young gay men. Though social media, Brian is able to increase the awareness of the rights and values of the LGBT community to all people worldwide on topics including safer-sex, anti-bullying, and human-rights.

Originally from the Okanagan Valley (in fact, we share a home town), and now based in Vancouver, Brian is a marketing manager for a software company and loves to travel all across North America to uncover new destinations, people, and experiences. He has a knack for finding the inside stories that resonate with the LGBT community and those that love seeing the latest trends. He shares all of this on his popular website

Brian is into healthy living. His passion for marathon running, working out at the gym, and eating right inspires others to achieve their personal best. Something I love and take inspiration from. #gogetit Brian!

Will you join us in celebrating equality and say hello to Brian?

Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.


Vancouver Canadians Run for a Cause This Season

We are back - with our fifth annual $5-run initiative  Suggested Tweet:

Back again in #YVR! For every run @VanCanadians game, @TownHallBrands pledges $5 to C's Foundation. Cheer on the C's #withTownHall.


The News:

[Vancouver, British Columbia] The start of baseball season with the Vancouver Canadians not only marks a great traditional Vancouver experience at the Scotiabank Field at Nat Bailey Stadium, but also a tradition of annual giving-back to the Vancouver Canadians Baseball Foundation (VCBF) for Town Hall Brands, a Vancouver-based marketing agency.

Returning for its fifth consecutive year, Leeann Froese and Andrew von Rosen, co-owners of Town Hall Brands, are back again with the $5-run initiative (watch the video!) in which Town Hall donates $5 to the Foundation for every run scored by the Vancouver Canadians this season. To date, nearly $10, 000 have been raised and 50 children have received support to play baseball through the Vancouver Canadians Baseball Foundation and Town Hall Brands since, the beginning of the initiative in 2011.


"We've worked with Vancouver Canadians for more than a decade. As soon as the Foundation launched, we knew it would be important for us to be a part of it," shares von Rosen.

As longtime baseball fans and supporters of the Foundation, von Rosen and Froese started the $5-run initiative to support the VCBF's work in providing local children in need with the opportunity to play baseball through a summer mini league. For many children, this translates into an experience of discovery, teamwork and most importantly, lifetime friendships to enhance their daily lives.

"We're parents, too. We want to lead other children in a healthy and active lifestyle, as much as we want for our child. Being able to put a child on a diamond with a smile on their face is an incredibly valuable experience for both the child and us. Not to mention, it helps to build community," says Froese.

Whether you're a sports fan or not, the Town Hall Team invites you to join in cheering on the C's to score more runs and add even more to the $5-initiative to support our community.

For game schedule for Vancouver Canadians, please visit:


Meet Mijune Pak With Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Mijune Pak.


Mijune is also known as Follow Me Foodie, after her blog of the same name, that she launched in 2009.

She is also a weekly food columnist for the WE Vancouver newspaper with her own column called “Follow Me Foodie”.

In addition to this she is sought after as a speaker, honorary culinary judge, and contributor to numerous other media outlets.

She can cook and she is honest and offers full disclosure to her posts. After establishing her reputation in Vancouver, Mijune has gained recognition on a global scale.

We are proud to know her here at home in Vancouver, and in particular I am fond of Mijune as we share a birth date - June 6.

So please say hello to my Gemini sister, the lovely Ms. Pak.

Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.


Meet Tori Klassen with Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Tori Klassen.

Tori klassen

Tori is a communications professional who runs her own consultancy. She blogs and Tweets and is a generally social person, who has been slowed down somewhat recently following major knee surgery. She is on the road to recovery and when her knees work, she is a triathlete.

Please help us and say a big hello. Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.


Meet Jeremy Schacht with Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Jeremy Schacht.


I was happy to meet Jeremy last year when Sujinder and I visited Ampersand Distilling.

Ampersand Distilling Company is a new, family owned craft distillery located on a five acre organic farm in the Cowichan Valley.

Those who know me know I love #gttime, so when Sujinder and I were on Vancouver Island working we made a detour.

We were impressed by Jeremy and his talents with distilling, and the gin is delicious. Check it out at the Duncan Farmer's market or schedule a visit the next time you are visiting Blue Grouse Estate Winery.

Please help us and say a big hello. Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.


Meet Jim Irving With Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall, we introduce you to Jim Irving.



Jim Irving is the BC Hospitality Foundation's Director of Fundraising and Sponsorship.

Jim has just started in this newly-formed position with nearly 30 successful years of experience in the Canadian alcohol beverage industry. He has been a sales and marketing manager for wine and spirit agencies and breweries as well as the Canadian president of a luxury vodka brand. Most recently, Jim was the general manager for Precept Wine, the largest privately owned wine company in the Pacific Northwest.

Please help us congratulate Jim on his new role and say a big hello. Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.


Meet Blue Grouse Estate Winery With Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It's Saturday - that means it's time to introduce you to one of the fabulous personalities in the world #withTownHall

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are).

We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them. This week #withTownHall for something a little different, we introduce you to Blue Grouse Estate Winery.

We do this because today is their grand reopening!

Paul Brunner of Blue Grouse


A selfie with Blue Grouse

Family-owned, sustainably-farmed and award-winning, Blue Grouse Estate Winery is located at 2182 Lakeside Road, Duncan, BC within the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island.

The new winery and surrounding vineyards are a sought after destination not only for sampling the winery's award-winning portfolio of Island wines, but also for picnics and family adventures.

The inspired new winery facility was built with many sustainable elements including locally-sourced construction materials, the use of geothermal energy, onsite water collection and treatment, as well as other features that reduce mechanical heating and cooling.

The new Blue Grouse tasting room is open daily from 11AM to 5PM from June to October. Call 250-743-3834 or email for winter hours, group bookings or just to say hello.

Please help us congratulate the team on their new winery opening and say a big hello. Leave a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.