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Wines of British Columbia

Fantastic BC Wines to try during Dine Out Vancouver 2019

Fantastic BC Wines to try during Dine Out Vancouver 2019

Get out your stretchy pants, Vancouver, because the 17th annual Dine Out Vancouver Festival kicks off today!

Over the next 17 days (until Feb 3) Vancouverites will be able to try dishes and drinks from the best chefs and producers in the region and we have a handful of BC winery clients whose amazing wines are featured in menus around town.

Meet Tracy Clark With Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It’s Saturday – that means it’s time to introduce you to a new personality #withTownHall.  This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are). We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them.

This week we introduce you to Tracy Clark. Can you please say hello?

Tracy Clark


Tracy is the communications manager for Wines of British Columbia. Her role is media relations with key wine, food and travel media, who all help to spread the word of British Columbia's wineries and wines.

She loves to help BC wine stories emerge, and if not at work is an avid runner and cyclist.

Can you please say hello to  with a comment – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.