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Please give to the Hustle - a personal note

Dear friends,

An ask: if you are able, will you please make a donation to the BC Hospitality Foundation here and support me as I am stuck at home this weekend? 

Here is the link to donate

I am down with COVID-19. Luckily for me I’m vaccinated and boosted so it’s like a bad head cold with a sore throat. I can’t imagine how severe it would’ve been without the vaccine.


What this means is that I’ve had to take some (rare) sick days from work, cancel workouts, & cancel activities I am scheduled to attend.

One cancellation that REALLY stings is that I was to attend the finish line for the Hospitality Hustle.

The Hospitality Hustle was started in 2020 as a way for people to be inspired to get moving which will help their mental health and well-being while at home, or dealing with the struggle of working hospitality during these trying times.


The BC Hospitality Foundation exists to help people in the industry who are faced with medical situations and need financial support. Your donation will go to help those when they have run out of options to help themselves.


I post a lot on my personal Instagram about my fitness journey.

I’m very proud that I’m making progression year over year, and now I can run a continuous 5K!

My goal for the Hospitality Hustle is to both raise awareness for the BC Hospitality Foundation and also work out for a minimum of 30 minutes three times a week.

I’m very proud to say I’m well on my way with this goal, with only this illness slowing me down.

I’m trying not to get all up in my emotions about the fact that I was going to celebrate tomorrow at the finish line with friends, so I’m asking you to join me in celebrating by making a donation.


Anything you can spare: the cost of a coffee, $10, or anything you can contribute that will help my Canada Helps fundraising page. It would make me very proud to be able to say that the community came together and made some donations when I could not be there in person to celebrate with everybody. 


Thank you, Leeann Froese

Owner, Town Hall Brands


PS I’m hoping to be able to come out of my isolation and be back to seeing people in person at full health soon!