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Wine and Food Trails

Meet Lorne Eckersley With Town Hall

By Leeann Froese It’s Saturday – that means it’s time to introduce you to a new personality #withTownHall. 

This does not mean they work as part of our team, or are our client (although sometimes they are). We just interact with so many amazing people that we want to expand networks and introduce them to you, and you to them.

This week we introduce you to Lorne Eckersley. Can you please say hello?

Lorne Eckersley

Lorne Eckersley, seen here at the beautiful Summerhill Pyramid Winery publishes the weekly Creston Valley Advance. He is a wine enthusiast and columnist, contributing writer for Wine and Food Trails magazine, opera, theatre and music lover, foodie and traveller. Join him as he searches for the sweet life, or la dolce vita, and chronicles his efforts in weekly columns, blog entries, magazine articles and photographs.

Visit Lorne's own website, La Dolce Vita.

Can you please say hello with a comment below – or go give this post a like or share on Facebook or Twitter.